24 Hour Credit Repair - $5 Rebate


Rick Miller has years of experience with finance.  He has 6 years of experience as a loan officer at a bank and 4 1/2 year as a credit bureau manager. 

Did You Know:

1) Under section 15 U.S.C. § 1681s of the FCRA, a wronged party may collect $1000 for each willful or negligent act which results in the violation of the FCRA. Any person may file suit in local court to enforce the FCRA.  I will show you how to use Credit Dispute letters to make the credit bureaus remove items just because they don't want to go to small claims court.

2)  In 2000 the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) clarified guidelines on re-aging accounts for delinquent borrowers.  I will show you how to use Credit Dispute letters to take advantage of this legally

3)  There are "soft" and "Hard" Inquires on your report.  I will show you how to remove them with Credit Dispute letters.

4)  Due to conflict of interest all credit report disputes go through a company called OSCAR. I will show you how to use Credit Dispute letters to take advantage of this fact.

5) Some fraction of consumer credit reports contain errors. A study released by the U.S. Public Interest Research Group in June 2004 found that 79% of the consumer credit reports surveyed contained some kind of error or mistake.. As a result, many consumers frequently invoke their rights under the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) to review and correct their credit reports.

6) VantageScore is the name of a new credit rating product that is now being offered by the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). The new product was announced by the three bureaus on March 14, 2006. It is essentially a way for the three bureaus to rival the current dominant player in credit scores (Fair Issac with their "FICO Score").  I will show you how to use Credit Dispute letters to take advantage of this.

7) Unlike FICO’s traditional 300 to 850 scale, the VantageScore goes from 501 to 990

8)  All incoming Dispute letters to the credit bureaus are categorized using a point system rating of importance.  I will show you how to have your letters score high.

TODAY ONLY!!!  I would like to offer you a very special offer.  Today only, if you order, I will personally offer you a $5 rebate.
Step 1 - Go to the 24 Hour Credit Repair by CLICKING HERE
Step 2 - Read the page and click on the REGISTER button.  Enter your details, and you will have instant access.
Step 3 - Forward your receipt to [email protected] along with your paypal email address so I can forward your rebate.
Step 4 - Please allow 2 business days for processing.
Step 5 - Enjoy and use the 24 Hour Credit Repair.
has    hhfsdajfhjfdsaperience:  Finance Degree,  6 years loans officer at a national bank, 4 1/2 years credit bureau manager for one of the big three credit bureau's
My Experience:  Finance Degree,  6 years loans officer at a national bank, 4 1/2 years credit bureau manager for one of the big three credit bureau's